Size: Shoulder height: Standard: Chest girth of at least 35 cm (13.75 inches), maximum weight of 20 lbs. Miniature: Chest girth of 30 - 35 cm (11.75 to 13.75 inches). Kaninchen: Chest girth smaller than 30 cm (11.75 inches).
Coat: Can be smooth, long, or wire-haired. Colors can be reddish-brown, black or tan, or chocolate brown, or deep chestnut in reddish-brown and black and tan. The hairs on the Wire-haired Dachshund should lie flat and be as hard as possible.
Character: The Dachshund is brave, intelligent and independent.
Temperament: This breed is somewhat reserved around strangers, but forms a strong bond with its family. It can be over-courageous around other dogs.
Care: The Smooth- and Long-haired Dachshund should be brushed occasionally to remove dead hairs. Long-haired Dachshunds are prone to tangles, so they should be groomed more often. The coat of the Wire-haired Dachshund should be plucked twice a year.
Training: Long-haired Dachshunds are slightly easier to train than Smooth- or Wire-haired Dachshunds, however all varieties need firm and consistent training because they have minds of their own.
Activity: The Dachshund needs a fair amount of exercise so long walks are required.
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