Size: Shoulder height: 22 - 24 inches.
Coat: Can be either rough or smooth. Acceptable colors are sable and white, tricolor, blue merle, or white. If white, markings are preferred.
Character: The Collie is mild-mannered, gentle, and eager to work. Occasionally it can be a bit stubborn.
Temperament: This breed is good with children, and if properly socialized it gets along well with other household pets.
Care: The coat of the smooth variety needs to be brushed periodically. The rough variety needs to brushed or combed every other day, more when shedding.
Training: Collies are sensitive to the tone of the trainer's voice, so best results are achieved through positive reinforcement.
Activity: It is necessary for a Collie to have a good walk or jog on leash or a chance to run around and indulge in physical play every day.
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