Dogo Argentino

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Anjing Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino Description

The Dogo Argentino is also called the Argentinian Mastiff or Argentine Dogo. It is a muscular, yet graceful dog of mastiff stock with very strong jaws, and a short, sleek, glossy, thick, and always white coat. The head is convex in the front, with a moderate stop. The skull is massive and the jaws are strong and tenacious. The muzzle should be about the same length as the skull. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite. The ears are customarily docked and the eyes should either be dark brown or dark hazel with an alert, intelligent and intense expression. The nose should be black. The chest is wide and deep giving an impression of strength. The skin on the neck is loose to protect the dog during the hunt. The long tail reaches to the hock. It is never carried over the back, though the dog may swing it and carry it high when it is excited. The short white coat has no undercoat.

Jenis Anjing Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino Temperament

The Argentine Dogo is an excellent guardian of the home. Loyal to the family, playful and intelligent. It is good with children and loves to kiss and cuddle with those the family accepts. Dogos are easy to train. This is a highly intelligent, powerful dog who needs a firm and consistent, but loving hand. Adult Dogos can be aggressive with other dogs however, the Dogo does not usually provoke the confrontation. The Argentine Dogo is not a breed for everyone. All dogs are individuals and some are more dominant or possess a stronger prey drive than others. Breeders should work with prospective owners to match the dog with the household. They are good with other pets if they are raised with them from puppyhood. This white mastiff needs early socialization with other animals. It also requires early obedience training.

Dogo Argentino Height, Weight

Height: 24-27 inches (61-69 cm)
Weight: 80-100 pounds (36-45 kg)

Foto Anjing Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino Living Conditions

This breed will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised and does best with at least an average-sized yard. Be sure to bring the Dogo inside when temperatures drop below freezing.

Dogo Argentino Exercise

Give this dog plenty of exercise. They need to be taken on a daily, long walk or jog.

Gambar Anjing Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino Life Expectancy

About 10-12 years.

Dogo Argentino Grooming

The single white coat is very easy to care for and has no doggy odor. Pay special attention to the nails, as they tend to grow very fast and therefore need frequent clippings. This breed is an average shedder.

Jenis Anjing Ras - Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino Origin

The Argentine Dogo was developed in Argentina by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez in the 1920's. He wanted a dog that was a good pack hunter and guardian, but could also be trusted with the family. He started with a now extinct mastiff-type breed called the Dog of Cordoba. He added Great Dane, Boxer, Spanish Mastiff, Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Great Pyrenees, Pointer, Irish Wolfhound and Dogue de Bordeaux. The resulting breed, not only met Martinez,' original expectations as a big game hunter and family guardian, but has also been successful as a guide dog and in military and police work. He created a bullish and fearless hunter with great stamina and a light coat capable of deflecting, rather than absorbing, heat. The breed instantly appealed to people who organize and enjoy dogfights, an activity still popular in many parts of South America and elsewhere. Unfortunately this gave the dog a bad reputation in Britain. Britain has national legislation to control dogs in public. The Dangerous Dogs Act (1991) specifies that three breeds, the Fila Brazileiro, Dogo Argentino and Japanese Tosa, are totally banned. A fourth breed, the American Pit Bull Terrier, is allowed only under severe restrictions. It must be registered, neutered, tattooed, microchipped and has to carry insurance. It cannot be bred or imported and when in public it must be muzzled, leashed and handled by a person over 16 years of age at all times. This is a real shame. When properly raised these are all great dogs. A dog is what the master makes of it. Not all breeds are for everyone. People teach these dogs to fight giving them a bad name. Banning the breed is not the way to solve the problem. Some of the Argentine Dogo's talents are hunting, tracking, watchdogging, guarding, police work, narcotics detection, military, work, competitive obedience, and schutzhund.

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